
How to find the right partner to set up your remote team?

Setting up an offshore development center entails more than just working with a corporation. It’s a lot more than that. Offshore development is all about sharing responsibilities with a company that genuinely wants to assist you in and your business.

Furthermore, partnering with an offshore company is critical for lowering operating costs while increasing productivity. As a result, before recruiting a committed team, you should recognize the following elements:

a) Choose an appropriate venue

All is determined by location. Before making a decision, consider which nation, state, and city can provide you with efficient developers who are up to date on technology trends and can produce better results at a lower cost.

b) Constructing a detailed budget

Before starting to look out for a company, consider all your requirements;

  • Project scope
  • Required skills set
  • Number of resources
  • Timeline
  • Budget

Not sure how much will it cost you to hire a developer team? Try out our outsourcing cost calculator in Vietnam and get an idea.

c) Hiring the right offshore development team in Vietnam

To hire the right resources, it is important that you tally all the skills and experience of your remote team according to your product requirements. Depending on the project’s characteristics, cost savings could be as much as 67% with an offshore development and compared to outsourcing.

Wrapping Up 

Setting up an offshore construction center in Vietnam presents several substantial advantages to businesses of all sizes and styles. There is no proper answer as to where and how businesses should establish an ODC. As a result, it is essential to make an informed decision and to seek assistance in setting up one of the most important values.

To learn more about our services, technology stack, and the types of developers we provide, please contact us or send your requirements to

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